Monday, June 19, 2006

A Fine Day to Pray

I spent most of yesterday on the streets visiting my friends who have no permanent address. It was a terrific day, short of the argument that ensued when Cabbage returned from the bootlegger with a liter of vodka.

My friends know that when they pull out drugs or alcohol or stupid behavior while I’m serving food, I’ll drive away. I’ll leave in the middle of making sandwiches, if the Lord moves me. I’ve stopped a Bible Study in mid-verse, picked up and drove off into a rainy day, rather than get sucked in by the demons of the moment. I’ve survived this long, listening to my heart … and I’ve only been slammed a couple of times; but never killed yet. I’ll write more about it later, Lord willing …

When I got home Sunday afternoon, I had chores to do. Then, I spent hours at the computer downloading and editing photos and videos from the day. I didn’t get to bed until early this morning … there just isn’t enough time in a day. But heck, what do I know? God created the day, and He figured ‘It was good!’ I’ll live with it, thank you.

The rains Friday and Saturday pert near washed out Willie’s camp … but, Willie survived. He’s living in a dry creek bed; a creek that has been rerouted by folks that have a design for our future, and the future of creeks and woods and wild critters around the world. Willie said the rains didn’t wash him out, but they did a job on his laundry. He said the rushing water came about three feet from his bedroll. If you want to take a trip, have a look …

As I sat with Willie and JohnBoy and others at fellowship, someone started talking about how the Police and public officials have been treating the homeless and disabled on the streets lately. Everybody praised the wave of compassion and understanding that has been exercised toward the less fortunate. Someone said that on account we’ve all been treated so fairly, we should have a special day to celebrate our Public Servants; just like Father’s Day or Flag Day or Nickel Dickel Day! Then someone exclaimed … ‘Hey, we should just give ‘em all an extra-special amount of respect everyday!’

What a concept! As long as you keep the plug in the jug ... as long as you stay out’a sight and out’a mind … as long as you keep that busy little voice in your head quiet … you should get along just fine in this life. Boy, have we got our work cut out for us.

That’s okay, today. Today looks like a fine day to sit back and meditate about our future. Hummmmmm….


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